Amazon Best Selling Author
Hello and Welcome
Welcome to Nikki Ashton Books and thank you. If you’re reading this it must mean you’ve either read my books, or are thinking about reading them, and that really is appreciated.
You’ve probably guessed that I’m a bit of romantic and love a happy ending, and that’s pretty much what you’ll get with my books. There may be angst and there may be giggles, but there will always be something to make you feel warm inside.
If love, romance and happy endings are your thing then I'm sure I'll have something you'll enjoy.
Feel free to follow me on all the social links below, you'd be very welcome.
Anyway, thanks again for visiting my website and I hope that you enjoy my stories, and please leave a review on Amazon. We authors love to know what you think, good or bad, as long as it’s constructive.
Happy reading and much love,

Represented by Nikki Groom at SBR Media
For publishing rights please contact nikki@sbrmedia.com
To contact me email nikkiashton@bubblebooksltd.co.uk